13 jul 2012

Seminario: “Misbehaviour in your Classrooms?” (IP LCB A-1318)

Organiza: Inst. Priv. Liceo Cultural Británico (A-1318)

Fecha / Horario: 25 de agosto, de 9.30 a 12.30
Lugar: Av. Pueyrredón 1388 P. 2 – CABA

Destinatarios: Profesores de inglés y alumnos del profesorado de inglés

“Do you feel that you cannot teach and your students cannot learn in a classroom plagued with disruptions?  Do you spend a lot of time ""correcting"" misbehaviour? Discipline problems are listed as one of the major concerns for most teachers. What can we expect and how can we act effectively? ‘Success in teaching, as in most areas of life, depends almost entirely on our attitude and our approach.’ Let’s look for techniques and tips that enable us to handle discipline problems and create a productive learning environment without dying in the attempt.”


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